Order status

Thank you for your order!

We usually email the charts to you within a few hours of receiving your order but sometimes it can take a little longer if we are away. It is not an automatic download process for all our sets, not yet at least. If we have any queries about your order, we will email you in advance.

We ask that you please check your spam/junk email folder if you haven't heard from us - this will often be where our email has gone if you can't see anything in your inbox. We can also be contacted through our Instagram page, see our home page for the link.

The status of recent orders is shown below:

Customer zip/postcode
84015 - email sent on June 26th. 38011 - email sent on 17 August.

Note - orders processed by automatic download are not included in this list. Our email address for queries relating to automatic downloads is shown on the order page of each set.