Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Joseph Holodook cross-stitch: a new Christmas-themed set of charts

We can now make available a Christmas-themed set of our independently-produced, software-generated charts based on the lovely Americana scenes painted by Joseph Holodook.

The set of three charts listed below is available in 18 count for just $9.95 and can be immediately downloaded. Click on the thumbnails for full details of the set, more on our 20% discount special offer and how to order.

Joseph Holodook cross-stitch Christmas set 1 Details/Ordering:

1. Christmas Sleigh 10" x 14" (26 x 35 cm)

2. Christmas Shopping 10" x 14" (26 x 35 cm)

3. After the Snow Has Fallen 10" x 14" (26 x 35 cm)

We have three other sets of Joseph Holodook cross-stitch charts, all shown below.

Set 1: Flights of Fancy, Painted Lady, Pleasant Point

Set 2: Pretty Petals Flower Shop, Creek Crossing, Kinder Grove

Set 3: Valley Wedding, Painters Point, Jolly Time Circus

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Kinkade Disney cross-stitch: new sets of charts now on sale

We can now make available three more sets of our independently-produced, software-generated charts based on the charming Disney paintings by Thomas Kinkade Studios.

Each set of three charts listed below is available in 18 count for just $9.95 and can be immediately downloaded. Click on the thumbnails for full details of each set, more on our 20% discount special offer and how to order (opens new window).

Set 8: Brave, Moana, Frozen - Celebration in Arendelle

Set 9: Robin Hood, Hercules, Little Mermaid - Celebration of Love

Set 10: Lion King - Remember Who You Are, Beauty and the Beast 2, Alice in Wonderland - Queen of Hearts

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Jane Wooster Scott cross-stitch - a new range of Christmas cross-stitch designs

Christmas will be here before we know it, and this week we are delighted to make available another set of our independently-produced patterns based on Jane Wooster Scott's Americana artwork.

The set of three charts listed below is available in 18 count for just $9.95 and can be immediately downloaded. Click on the thumbnails for details of the set, more on our special offers and how to order (opens new window).

Set 4 Details/Ordering:

1. Turning Back the Clock 10" x 14" (26 x 35 cm)

2. A Warm Winter Glow 10" x 14" (26 x 35 cm)

3. Holiday Sleigh Ride 10" x 14" (26 x 35 cm)

Don't forget our special offer: buy any three sets across our full range and use the code DISCOUNT20 on checkout to receive a 20% discount.

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Nicky Boehme - cross-stitch charts updated and available to download

We currently offer six sets of cross-stitch charts based on Nicky Boehme's Americana artwork, each set contains three charts. Six of the charts are Christmas-themed.

We provide two DMC-based symbols charts, one with and one without the floss colors behind the symbols, together with floss usage summaries. Each chart is created over a minimum of eight pages and a good range of colors is used to retain plenty of detail.

These sets are available for just $9.95 each and can be immediately downloaded. By using the code DISCOUNT20 at checkout you can save 20% on your order.

Click on the links below for more details.

Set 1: Main Street Along a Country Village, Pray for World Peace, Stonehedge Bridge

Set 2: Seafarer's Vigilant Sentry, Out of Harm's Way, Lighthouse Haven

Set 3: Autumn Beauty, Gathering Fall, Autumn's Color Of Fashion

Set 4: Rapture, Springtime Hideaway, Pathway of Color

Christmas Set 1: Bringing Joy & Happiness, Merry Christmas, Country Shopping

Christmas Set 2: Heaven on Earth, Fun Loving Merriment, A Fine Winter's Evening